What's happening at Alcudia Smir?


Postby 1frenchy » Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:54 am

I will be there to day
and i will be happy to meet sombody in meeting
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Syndic Removal Solution

Postby Sandra » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:13 pm

Sorry Colin, I have my post as a new subject, but I thought an answer on this subject might have been better.
Hello, I just found out about the excellent forum from one of the Moroccans last night. My name is Sandra from B7 12

Many, if not all and more, of the problems mentioned in this forum happened to me e.g. to gorillas came to my door and removed my builder that was working in my own home. This was by order of The President Allal. He tried to pull this stunt in March 2012 but I threatened him with the Moroccan Emabssy in London. He changed his mind but changed it back again on 6 July. He now is in trouble with the police as I raised a formal complaint with the Agent Proculateur de Tetouan. His boss is the King. So he is in deep do do. There is more but I will not go into details here.

We need to remove the current dictator that is making our complex like a prison camp and his gestapo security. Not only that it is just a big creche. Kids rule the roost and run feral without adults at all hours, and this is because how are complex has been organised. Just needs one of them to fall in the pool.....

I prepared a letter, that is attached to this post, in four languages and hand delivered to each apartment in AP1 last weekend. Arab copy scan is available if required. It is a letter to outline our issues and to get more of you on to the syndic. It has since become clear that some of these letters were removed. As a result of this letter, an informal meeting was held last night in AC with 13 people. Mostly Moroccans and a few French. I also received a couple of emails and people knocked on my door. There is a solution but we need to work together. I will not go into too much detail here as I do not know who reads posts on this forum. If you need a contact name for tonight's meeting, drop me an email with your name and apartment number.


Problems with attachment. I will copy the English version as a post
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Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:52 am

Letter distributed last weekend

Postby Sandra » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:15 pm

ear Owner,


My name is S de Souza apartment AP1-B7-2-12. I bought off-plan in 2006. I usually come in the winter, and this is my first summer.

This note is to determine if you are happy with your current syndic and running of our complex. It is also to encourage more of you to stand for election and/or submit ideas for improvement. Many of you, like myself, want rental income and you need to know that your investment can bring a return and others that you can return anytime to a well organized complex. This means a good and efficient syndic.

As our current syndic president frequently says, there are now only three people on the syndic out of a possible seven to nine. He is absolutely correct when he states that there is too much work to do for three people. This is particularly true with new sections becoming available.

An option is to have a professional syndic. They provide help for owners on all levels for running a complex from rental administration to providing accounts and organizing meetings all in accordance with Moroccan law 18.00 for co-owned properties and condominiums. Their job is to work with the elected positions, as per our current Alcudia Smir rules, and owners to provide a stress free complex. This means that syndic members do not have to live in Alcudia Smir throughout the year. The professional syndic takes care of all the administration, disputes and the general running of our complex. The syndic needs to report to the elected members.

Current issues on our complex are listed below:-
1. Façade painting and repair
2. Unlawful black listing of suppliers for private work (this issue is in the process of being settled formally)
3. Rubbish collection and provision and cleaning of bins
4. Dogs and cats roaming the complex
5. Efficient use of security
6. Efficient use of cleaners
7. Swimming pool safety – especially at night
8. Television satellite issues
9. Car parking administration (summer)
10. General rules for renters and efficient administration. There are reports of renters having problems with security on arrival
11. Swimming pool use and administration (summer)
12. Drain maintenance (smell)
13. General effective communication on life in our complex meetings, events etc.

Research has been conducted on possible syndic companies. Of course, it is for members to think and vote accordingly in relation to the information submitted to them. This is about having a choice. It is intended to have this item on the agenda for our general assembly 2012. There are two companies that I am aware of that provide professional syndic services.

1. S4S – they run the Sania Plage complex. My father’s friend has an apartment on this complex. He is happy with their services. In addition, the Moroccan King has two apartments. I did see the King’s Colonel when I was there last week. I recognized him from another venue as he was standing next to me. So it must be true! My point is that they need to be and are well organized. I am due to get a quotation from them next week. They have about three complexes in this area and are prepared to act as a temporary syndic.

2. Tourist Sakane – I do not know much about this company. They left their leaflet in the Excellia offices. I will find out more about them.

I did want to add this subject to our meeting for this year, but there has been no notification, to me, of a definite date. I actually have changed my flight twice so that I can attend, but communication is muddled or non-existent for a firm date. I know that many of you wanted a meeting this weekend before leaving the complex over the next few days for Ramadan on 20th July, but this is unlikely given the seven-day notice period that is required by our current rules. Has anybody seen any notification of a date?

I hope that this note has given you something to think about for life in our complex. Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or experiences and especially syndic nominations. My email address is UK mobile: 0044 771 3007863. Please enclose your name, apartment number and email address.

Open committee positions: President; Vice President; Treasurer; Vice Treasurer; Secretary; Vice Secretary and 3 other committee members.
Thank you. S de Souza
Posts: 31
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:52 am


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